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28/06/2006   TORI AMOS
  In arrivo un Box set con classici, rarità, b-side e inediti

Box set con classici, rarità, b-side e inediti in arrivo per Tori Amos. “A Piano”, questo il titolo del cofanetto, vedrà la luce alla fine di settembre e sarà composto da cinque CD con un packaging speciale. Oltre alla musica, il box set contiene un interessante commento track by track di tutti i brani scritti dalla Amos. Ecco la track list completa di “A Piano”: Disc 1: ´Leather´ (Alternate Mix) ´Precious Things´ (Alternate Mix) ´Silent All These Years´ ´Upside Down´ ´Crucify´ (Unedited Single Version)* ´Happy Phantom´ ´Me And A Gun´ ´Flying Dutchman´ (Alternate Mix) ´Girl´ ´Winter´ ´Take To The Sky (Russia)´ ´Tear In Your Hand´ ´China´ ´Sweet Dreams´ ´Mother´ (Alternate Mix) ´Little Earthquakes´ Disc 2: ´Cornflake Girl´ ´Honey´ ´Take Me With You´* ´Baker Baker´ (Alternate Mix) ´The Waitress´ (Alternate Mix) ´Pretty Good Year´ ´God´ ´Cloud On My Tongue´ ´Past The Mission´ (Alternate Mix) ´Bells For Her´ ´Yes, Anastasia´ (Alternate Mix) ´Blood Roses´ ´Mr Zebra´ ´Caught A Lite Sneeze´ (Alternate Mix) ´Professional Widow´ (Merry Widow Version - Live) ´Beauty Queen/Horses´ ´Father Lucifer´ ´Marianne´ Disc 3: ´Walk To Dublin´ (Sucker Reprise)* ´Hey Jupiter´ (Dakota Version) ´Professional Widow´ (Armand´s Star Trunk Funkin´ Mix) ´Putting The Damage On´ ´Bliss´ (Remixed Version) ´Suede´ ´Glory Of The 80´s´ ´1000 Oceans´ ´Concertina´ (Single Remix Version) ´Lust´ ´Datura´ ´Sugar´ (Live from sound check) ´The Waitress´ (Live) ´Snow Cherries From France´ ´Doughnut Song´ (Remixed Version) Disc 4: ´A Sorta Fairytale´ ´Not David Bowie´* ´Amber Waves´ ´Iieee´ (Remixed Version) ´Playboy Mommy´ (Remixed Version) ´The Beekeeper´ ´Jackie´s Strength´ ´Zero Point´* ´Sweet The Sting´ ´Ode To My Clothes´* ´Spark´ ´Intro Jam´* and ´Marys Of The Sea´ ´Cruel´ (Remixed Version) ´Dolphin Song´* ´Gold Dust´ Disc 5: ´The Pool´ ´Never Seen Blue´ ´Daisy Dead Petals´ ´Beulah Land´ ´Sugar´ ´Cooling´ ´Bachelorette´ ´Black Swan´ ´Mary´ (Tales Version) ´Peeping Tommi´ ´Toodles Mr. Jim´ Demo Medley: ´Fire-Eater´s Wife/Beauty Queen´ (Demo) ´Playboy Mommy´ (Demo) ´A Sorta Fairytale´ (Demo) ´This Old Man´ ´Purple People´ ´Here. In My Head´ ´Hungarian Wedding Song´ ´Merman´ ´Sister Janet´ ´Home On The Range´ (Cherokee Edition) ´Frog On My Toe´ (Newsic)