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22/04/2009 THE CURE
Esce 'The Cure – Live At Secret Shows', il nuovo album live in streaming sul loro Myspace
“The Cure – Live At Secret Shows” è il nuovo album live in streaming sul Myspace della band UK. Il concerto è stato registrato il 13 dicembre al The Troubadour di Los Angeles. Ecco la set list: ''Underneath the Stars'', ''Pictures of You'', ''Lullaby'', ''The Perfect Boy'', ''alt.end'', ''The Reasons Why'', ''The Walk'', ''The End of the World'', ''Lovesong'', ''The Real Snow White'', ''The Hungry Ghost'', ''The Only One'', ''From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea'', ''Sleep When I´m Dead'', ''Wrong Number'', ''Push'', ''Friday I´m in Love'', ''Inbetween Days'', ''Just Like Heaven'', ''Primary'', ''The Scream'', ''One Hundred Years'', ''It´s Over'', ''Freakshow'', ''Let´s Go to Bed'', ''Close to Me'', ''Why Can´t I Be You?'', ''A Forest'', ''Boys Don´t Cry'', ''Jumping Someone Else´s Train'', ''Grinding Halt'', ''10:15 Saturday Night'', ''Killing An Arab''. (Newsic)